About Us
We have environmental specialists, economics and travel experts, as well as environmental law attorneys and expired consultants that can gather a team and guide it in the right way. Our travels are free of charge essentially as we redirect all income to the protection of our environment. You can pay what you want to support us and our mission to preserve nature.

This is Us

Mindy Gilbert
The Founder
Environmental Study MA and passionate traveler and someone who cares for the environment. Mindy founded Westernlands after 15 years of the western-USA travel experience and work in the Public Lands management field, accomplishing one of hers lifetime goals.

Michelle J. Arant
Michelle loved mathematics and graduated in Economics, but also had a passion for environmental care. She was part of numerous California’s environmental workshops and projects throughout her career, which made the transition to the environmental care field much easier.

Peter Wright
Staff Attorney
A-grade Environmental Law professional with an impressive portfolio of environmental works and cases. Law expert who wrote thousands of cases. Peter likes spending time outdoor, preferably in mountains and near rivers.
Agent Team

Travel Agent
Born and raised in Tuscon, and a recent graduate of Berkley, Lana has spent countless hours horseback riding the mountains and valleys of the Sonaran deserts in Arizona. We’re glad to have her as part of the team.

Darcy A. Paige
Travel Agent
A big follower of eco-tourism and environmental protection, Darcy is a big-time connoisseur of California and Nevada. She traveled in the Europe a lot and after returned home to California, she started her own eco-routes.

David Shepherd
Travel Agent
David knows the badlands and canyons of Utah better than anyone and is proud to have been part of the team at Westernlands since it’s inception. In addition to a certified wilderness guide, David is profoundly interested in the wide array of unique edible plants available in the desert regions of the Western US.